Fricka - sister, goddess, wife, mother A live event on Monday 9th October at 19.oo in the Friends' Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS. Fricka is often overlooked when the Ring is talked about but she is very important to the plot and has a lot to say in the relatively short time she… Continue reading Fricka – sister, goddess, wife, mother.
Tag: Die Walküre
The Valkyrie
Wagner’s Cello
Wagner's Cello - a talk by Dr. Richard Jenkins This talk will investigate some of Wagner’s more idiosyncratic string writing and its influence on composers and performers of future generations. Examples of Wagner’s pioneering string writing can be found in abundance from the serene opening of Lohengrin, the scurrying semiquavers of Flying Dutchman or… Continue reading Wagner’s Cello