Die Meistersinger von Bayreuth A Survey of famous Singers who have trodden the boards on the Green Hill. The talk will be given on Zoom by our president, Derek Blyth. Please use the contact form below to receive an invitation.
Tag: Parsifal
Parsifal Study Course
Parsifal Study Course 13th-20th May 2020 This course has been postponed. The illustration is a detail from 'The Dawn of Time" by Theresa Newham and is used with kind permission of the artist.
Parsifal for Holy Week 2020
Parsifal There can only be one choice of Music Drama for Holy Week - Parsifal. This production is from Bayreuth in 2012 and was, surprise, surprise, very controversial at the time. It has many interesting ideas in it and, though it descends into 'regietheater' at times, it is well sung, played and acted. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXaGWCHsQBA… Continue reading Parsifal for Holy Week 2020