Der Fliegende Holländer – Study Day.
Saturday 15th February 2025
at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation,
3 Cambridge Street, Manchester M1 5BY.
Registration from 10.00 and finishing at 16.oo £22 for members and £27.50 for guests. Please bring a packed lunch. Coffee, tea and cold drinks will be on sale.
This year’s study day will again be led by our president, Derek Blyth, who has guided us through many of Wagner’s works. The day will be split into three session, with time for coffee and lunch. You may bring a score, if you wish but it won’t be necessary.
Derek is an experienced lecturer and communicator. He has spent a lifetime in music, as a performer, teacher and lecturer in opera, popular music and music banned by the Third Reich as well as the music of Richard Wagner.