
Der Fliegende Holländer

Der Fliegende Holländer Monday 11th March 2020at 18.30. Led by Jackie Roberts   Following Michael Fuller’s talk on ‘Redemption in Wagner’ it seems appropriate to devote the March meeting to viewing and talking about the 2012 Bayreuth  production directed by Jan Philipp Gloger. He tackles the question of how to stage Senta’s Redemption of the… Continue reading Der Fliegende Holländer


Women and Redemption in Wagner:the case of Senta

Women and Redemption in Wagner:the case of Senta Michael Fuller studied Chemistry and Theology at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge before being ordained in the Church of England. He is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, where he lectures on the relationships between science and religion, and an Honorary Canon… Continue reading Women and Redemption in Wagner:the case of Senta